Dermatologist Care
How to Choose a Dermatologist
Every year, millions of men and women make the decision to see a Dermatologist. It can be an exciting time, filled with information about new treatments and products that can help improve your skin. However, for some people, the mere idea of having to see a Dermatologist can be intimidating. In order to get the best out of your visit, there are a couple of things you can do beforehand to prepare yourself for your appointment. Here are some simple things you can do prior to your appointment to help you get ready for it.
One of the first things you should do before seeing a Dermatologist is to seek medical clearance to undergo some type of surgery. Many people are unsure if their skin will respond to medications or surgeries. Before making any decisions, you should consult with your primary care doctor first. There may be medications or surgery, you must take prior to seeing a Dermatologist, which can make it difficult to schedule an appointment. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your current medications or surgery, make sure they are answered before scheduling a consultation with a Dermatologist.
Another important thing you should do is to get all of your health history ready. In some instances, your dermatologist may be required to perform a blood test or receive a biopsy in order to determine the nature of your health condition or disease. If you have recently been diagnosed with cancer or any other serious ailments, it is imperative that you tell your doctor everything about your past and present health conditions. Cancer screenings can often be recommended as part of standard medical care, but a Dermatologist can offer more detailed examinations that are especially helpful in uncovering potential cancer risks or potential diseases.
Most doctors recommend that patients schedule one or two office visits with their dermatologists per year. You should arrive for your appointment prepared by simply filling out any requested paperwork, including your medical history and appointment reminders, and informing your dermatologist of any medications you are currently taking. Some dermatologists offer in-office consultations, where you will sit in the doctor's office and discuss any of your skin-care issues. Other dermatologists prefer to have you come in for an appointment before they begin any procedures.
Once your initial consultation has concluded, your dermatologist will usually give you a short list of possible surgical treatments. Surgical options include: skin biopsy, wherein your dermatologist will remove a small amount of skin from your back, neck, or face; a brow lift; eyelid surgery; liposuction; rhinoplasty;, or laser treatments. Before making a final decision on a particular procedure, you should also consider the side effects and benefits of each treatment option. You should also think about whether you feel comfortable having your face cut open, scarred, or even misshaped in any way.
Once you have made an appointment to see a dermatologist, it is often a good idea to bring someone who can help you out of your driveway if you are unable to drive. Chances are, you will not be driving yourself to your appointment; however, remember that driving isn't always easy when you are fighting acne. If you are suffering from severe acne, there is a good chance that you may become extremely nervous about having to make an appointment with a dermatologist. That said, it is important to remember that you don't have to make an appointment to meet a dermatologist. You can still plan your own cosmetic treatment procedure in advance, so you don't waste time waiting around for your appointment.