Dermatologist Care
Becoming a Dermatologist
Dermatologist is the specialized branch of medical science dealing with your skin. It's a speciality with medical and surgical aspects involved. A dermatologist is actually a professional doctor who takes care of disorders related to the skin, hair and nail and even some cosmetic issues. In fact, it's not surprising to know that they are the most sought after doctors .
If you think, a dermatologist is someone who takes care of your skin and hair. There's no doubt that there are lots of dermatologists around but only a few of them specialize in taking care of particular types of skin, hair or nails. A Dermatologist normally specializes in treating acne, psoriasis, eczema, spots and wrinkles. Dermatologists also usually specialize in a particular type of treatment such as non-surgical or surgical.
Becoming a Dermatologist requires getting a medical degree from an accredited medical school like Miami Dade Medical School or the dermatology residency program. After graduating with a degree in Dermatology, you should gain hands-on experience by participating in a residency program. There are many dermatologists who do not attend medical school but have gained years of experience and expertise through extensive training. There are also some dermatologists who decide to go back to medical school to further their education. However, those who specialize in a certain field have to obtain formal training and complete a residency for 2 years before they can take the NCLEX or the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT).
Before going into dermatology, there are several fields that you may want to choose from. The specialization that a dermatologist may specialize in includes cardiology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology, internal medicine, pediatrics, and neurology. A dermatologist may work on his own or he may work as part of a team where he is known as a board certified specialist. A team approach is used in order to provide the best care to patients. Sometimes, a patient may have to undergo several procedures in order to get the right treatment.
The salary range for dermatologists is around thirty thousand dollars to forty-eight thousand dollars. Different states have different rules regarding the compensation of dermatologists. However, most dermatologists make around forty thousand dollars a year. This is lower than the annual compensation of dermatologists , who earns around fifty thousand pounds.
In fact, there are many dermatologists who earn more than one hundred thousand dollars each year. A lot of these dermatologists opt for additional training after graduating from medical school. Additional training is especially required by dermatologists who want to open specialty clinics or want to write books on advanced skin care.